Single Step Agglomerator Die Face Cutter Plastic Recycling Machine
Single Step Agglomerator Die Face Cutter Plastic Recycling Machine
Update Terakhir
30 / 07 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Harga Mulai Rp. 123
Sampai dengan Rp. 123
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Detail Single Step Agglomerator Die Face Cutter Plastic Recycling Machine
mesin peleleh plastik
Usage : For recycling plastic such as PP, PE, PS, PET, ABS, PC. In the daily life, plastic around our lifehood that we can find such as agricultural film, woven bag, plastic bottle, plastic houseware, plastic packaging etc. All the above can be processed with our plastic recycling machine so it can be reusable and environment friendly.